Automation of the company's IT work. Slack integration etc

Case studies

About project

Odoo can significantly contribute to the automation of a company's IT work by providing a comprehensive and integrated platform for managing various aspects of IT operations. Here's how Odoo helps automate IT work

A comprehensive solution for the organization of the operational activities of the company Recruitment - Employees - Accounting of working hours and overtimes - Automation of accounting for vacations and sick days

Community Enterprise Odoo 14/15/166

Main added functionality:





Get all the data automatically indexed (resumes, cover letters, etc.) and answered in just a click, using templates or personalized emails.


Reminder automation

Overtime notices or vacation request

Receive notifications about the employee's birthday or the end of the probationary period etc .


 Full-fledged work of the company's IT has been launched. The number of employees is 40

 The CRM, Employees, Expenses, Recruitment, Project, Timesheets modules are configured and adapted to the customer's requirements

 An internal employee portal and a training platform with the possibility of certification have been developed for individual requirements

 Automatic indexing of all data (resume, cover letters, etc.) receiving a response with one click of the mouse, using templates or personal emails.

 Automation of notifications about an employee's birthday or the end of a probationary period, etc

 Automate overtime notifications or vacation requests. Integration with Timesheets and Vacation modules





Automation of routine processes

Reducing the burden on responsible managers

Increased employee productivity

Modernized employee recruitment funnel

We can do more than

you expect

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